TraffickingHub Protest

As part of the global #TraffickingHub Campaign, protests were held outside the offices of Pornhub’s parent company, Mindgeek, in London, Montreal and L.A. As I documented the London protest I was moved by the passion and determination of the individuals present. As I talked with individuals to discover their motivation to stand for hours, despite the cold and rain, the presence of one woman in particular stood out to me. She spoke softly.

"When I got here this morning, I saw mindgeek's office and I just felt a hole in my stomach. I was trafficked into the industry when I was 23, 17 years ago, and i'm still being exploited on Pornhub's website. Every day I am thankful to be alive after living through so much that tried to pull me apart." - Kasia, sex trafficking survivor.

"The Children of Pornhub”- Nicholas Kristof




Flowers by CE